Wednesday, February 23, 2011

James, Winter 2011

Now that my shooting season is approaching, I decided to try something new while trying something new--shooting James, a six-month-old...indoors.  Without my trusty sunlight, I had to resort to a strobe and shoot-through umbrella.  It worked, although I'll be the first to admit I need more practice with studio lighting!  Then there was the matter of getting such a young model to hold still, look at me, and smile.  Fortunately for me, James has great parents who did a fantastic job of coaxing smiles (quack-quack!) and wiping up drool.  The super-cute James did great, too.  He was fascinated by the camera's shutter clicks and put up with all this nonsense for about an hour without ever getting crabby or tired.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Website Arrives!

The new website is finally here!  I wanted to turn up the flashiness a lot and also give viewers larger images to see.  I'll be working on adding to the Client Viewing and Online Ordering sections over the next few weeks.  Hopefully they'll be fully functional by the time I start shooting again in the spring.  If you've got time, head on over!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blaire, Fall 2010

A lot of thanks goes out to Blaire and her parents for bearing with me as I slowly try to figure out what works and what doesn't when it comes to photo sessions with toddlers.  Lessons I learned: take pictures in places where kids can play (not the OPPD arboretum), bring candy bribes, and let them pick out their own clothes!  Despite our best efforts, Blaire was determined to wear her headband just the way she likes it--on her forehead.  I still think it's cute.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Claire, Fall 2010

I'm not sure I could've gotten a better model, considering Claire's age.  She meandered slowly through the park and paused a lot for me to take photos, all the time pretending she was Toothless from the movie How To Train Your Dragon.  Encouraged by her mother, who played the part of Hiccup, or some M&M's, she would smile and give me a cute look.  Claire also revealed herself to be quite the nature lover.  She had a great time frolicking in the leaves and giving a sapling a hug (both pictured above).  Thanks for being so cooperative, Claire!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Eric and Josiah, Fall 2010

My nephews, Eric and Josiah, had a great time at a local park.  The incredible fall weather hung on for one more weekend, so there was still plenty of color to go around.  I had a tough time keeping up as they explored an old, retired tank, then played on the swings and other playground equipment.  Saying that they're "hams" is an understatement, but they do like to pose for the camera!  Thanks, guys!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Northwoods Golf Trip 2009

Over Labor Day weekend, I traveled deep into the northern Minnesota woods for three rounds of golf with Jed, Jeff, and Chris, three of my old college friends. Last year was the first time we went on a golf trip like this, and we had so much fun we thought we'd do it again. We had way too much food, not enough space to sleep, and just enough time not to feel rushed.  This year, we played The Quarry at Giant's Ridge, The Wilderness at Fortune Bay, and Minnesota National on consecutive days.

Minnesota National (3rd Place) has a nice layout, but the conditions weren't optimal. It's a newly renovated course and there's a little work to be done if the owners want it to be considered a top tier course.  Lots of holes required long carries off the tee, and there was trouble everywhere. 

The Quarry (2nd Place) was beautiful with its dramatic elevation changes, waste areas complete with old mining equipment, and wide, sweeping fairways.  The stark contrast between the rolling, green golf course and the rugged exposed rock from the old quarry made for beautiful scenery.

But it was The Wilderness at Fortune Bay that took top course honors this year. It's a true resort course, and every hole looks like it might appear in a golf calendar somewhere. The course was long and challenging, the conditions were excellent, the in-cart GPS system was second-to-none, and the beverage service was awesome.

Jeff takes aim at a Quarry fairway.

A green at The Quarry.

A great example of The Quarry's elevation changes.

The Wilderness had landscaping on every hole.  These flowers were nicer than the trees and tall grass.

Jeff (again) at Minnesota National.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pardon Me, I'm New Here

A friend from work recently showed me her blog, which she uses to share photos of her daughter with her family. It looked pretty neat, so I thought I'd make one, too. Twitter sounds way too ADHD for me, and Facebook is becoming that way. As the title says, I'm not sure who, if anyone, will ever read this, but maybe someone will. Who knows.